Upriver on the Flooded Mississippi!

Early this morning we locked through the Kentucky Lake Dam, traveled 20 miles down the Tennessee River, then 50 miles down Ohio River, and then made a right turn onto the Mississippi. Big change! Our ordinary downriver cruising speed was around 20 mph, but due to the Mississippi River current we quickly slowed to 12-13 mph on the Mississippi. Slower, but still moving!

We passed many push-boats with large barges on the rivers today. Some of these “tows” are pushing three barges wide and six barges long, moving gasoline, coal, sand, and other bulk goods up and down the rivers.

This year’s major Mississippi floods left logs and other debris along the banks and in the water.

There are very few marinas along the upper Mississippi River, so this evening we plan to overnight on the hook (at anchor) for the first time. We headed out of the heavy Mississippi current into a small stream North of Cape Girardeau, set an anchor (that did not hold against the stream’s current), then set our second anchor (happy we had it onboard!) for safety.

Our very long day of travel today took us 145 miles along the Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.

4 thoughts on “Upriver on the Flooded Mississippi!

    1. River flood stages are measured at basic flood, moderate flood, and major flood. The Mississippi River today is about halfway between moderate flood and major flood. Basic flood stage is at 27 feet. River level today is at 38 feet.

  1. I am surprised how many locks you have to go through.
    I have fished on Kentucky Lake. Our guide followed one of those barges for easier boating.

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